Dossier de partenariat 2009. |
Auditorium Arditi-Wilsdorf • 1 Avenue du Mail - 1205 Geneva
► 14H00
by Fabrizio Lazzaretti and Paolo Santolini
Italy 2008 / Documentary / 90min, O.V. French subtitles.
Premier at the Human Right's Watch International Film Festival N.Y.2009.
A portrait of two children, Murtaza from Afghanistan and Yagoub from Sudan, who live in very different countries but are equally affected by major wars. Documentary film about victims of war, men, women, and children wounded by bombs, bullets, and mines, who physically shattered by war, are denied access to basic health care.
In the presence of the film's co-director Fabrizio Lazzaretti
► 15H40
by Dong Ling
China / Fiction 2007 / 90mins, O.V. French subtitles.
Official selection at the World Films Festival Montreal 2008.
After the loss of his parents, who died of AIDS, Baojian, orphaned at the age of 9, is sheltered and cared for collectively by the villagers. One
day, a television report reveals that Baojin is HIV-positive. From then on, people don’t welcome him in their homes, and refuse that he shares
the same class as their children. Since the authorities have specified that Baojin must be schooled like any other child, the village leader
decides to organise private lessons for him. In time the villagers’ fear fades away, and when he is accepted in a city school, they balk at letting
him go…
► 17H10
Fabrizio Lazzaretti, screenwriter and co-director of the film Back Home Tomorrow
H.H. Maharaja Gaji Singhji II of Jodhpur, founder of H.H. Maharaja Hanwant Singhji Charitable Trust supporting numerous educational projects.
Homayra Sellier, President and Founder of Innocence in Danger
Professor Afkensendiyos Kalangos, Cardiologist HU of Geneva, President and Founder of Coeurs pour tous
Clotilde Lassau, Founder of Peace for Kids
► 17H00 - 19H30
EVIAN/éQUINOXE screenwriting Master Class in partnership with The "Festival du Film et Forum International sur les Droits Humains" (FIFDH)
Geneva the 6th of octobre at the Grand Hotel Kempinski |
Reduce child mortality
In 2006, for the first time, annual deaths among children under the age of 5 dipped below 10 million. Nevertheless each
year the death of millions of children from preventable causes such as pneumonia,diarrhoea, malaria and measles is
unacceptable. Undernutrition is estimated to be an underlying cause in more than 1/3 of all deaths in children under five. |
Achieve Universal Primary Education
Ensure that children everywhere, both boys and girls, will be enabled to complete a full course of primary schooling. In
2006 almost all regions of the world saw the net enrolment ratio in primary education exceed 90%, and many countries
were close to achieving universal primary enrolment. These successes underline that a lot can be accomplished with the
political will of governments and with adequate support from development partners. Children affected by conflict or political unrest – those
who are most in need of structure and a semblance of normality in their lives – are more likely to be deprived of a decent education.
Despite impressive gains girls still account for 55% of the out-of-school population. |
Auditorium Arditi-Wilsdorf • 1 Avenue du Mail - 1205 Geneva
► 10H30
by Marc Dacosse and Eric Dagostino
France / Documentary 2008 / 35min, O.V. French subtitles.
Mai 2008: The village of Diegoune, in Casamance, Senegal, publicly declares their decision to end the practice of female genital
cutting and child forced marriage.
June 2009: With pride and joy, the key actors of the uproar give their testimony. L’Appel de Diegoune is a vivid message addressed worldwide
to their parents: “To all our brothers in Africa, Europe, America, let us hold hands for the well-being of our children !”
► 11H00
by Sabine El Gemayel
France-Iran-Lebanon 2008 / Fiction 2008 / 90min, O.V. French subtitles.
Noor Film Festival L.A. 2009 Best Feature, Best Actress
Niloofar is a 12 year-old Iraqi girl whose dream is to learn to read and write. Her wish is by no means a matter of course, because, in her village, only boys are allowed to attend school. Unfortunately, in exchange of a field of palm trees, Niloofar’s father arranges her marriage to an older man once she becomes a woman. Horrified, Niloofar does everything in her power to postpone this deadline. When destiny catches up with her, she hides her womanhood from her community to pursue her dream. Until one day, the truth is revealed…
In the presence of the film's director Sabine El Gemayel
► 12H30
Sabine El Gemayel, Iranian screenwriter and director of the film Niloofar
Eve Ensler, author of "The Vagina Monologues" founder of Vday and activist for Women's rights
H.E. François Zimeray, Ambassador for Human Rights, French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs
Bacary Tamba, Coordinator of Tostan in West Africa.
► 14H15
by John Antonelli and Will Parrinello
narration by Robert Redford / Documentary 2008/ USA / 38min O.V. French subtitles.
Global Focus VI — The New Environmentalists: portraits of six passionate and dedicated activists from around the world, fearless grass-roots
leaders taking on government and corporate interests and working to improve the environment for people in their communities. Their goals:
safeguarding the Earth’s natural resources from extensive exploitation and devastating pollution.
by Wim Wenders
Germany / collective of shorts 2007 / 17min, VO ST Français
G8 - Allemagne, juin 2007 - Des manifestants protestent contre l’incapacité des chefs d’Etat des plus grandes puissances à tenir leurs promesses. Dans la régie d’une chaîne de télévision, des journalistes préparent des reportages sur l’avancement des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement, à mi-parcours de leur réalisation, quand tout à coup quelque chose de très inhabituel se produit...
► 15H00
Professor Vandana Shiva, Indian nuclear physicist, philosopher, genetic epidemiologist, environmental activist, founder of Navdanya
Honourable James Hugh Faulkner PC, former canadian parlamentary minister President and Founder of Coeurs pour Tous
During the debate excerpts from Bullshit, documentary by Pea Holmquist and Suzanne Khardalian
Sweden / Documentary 2005 /
105min, O.V. English subtitles.
Official selection International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, 2006
TIME quotes her as being “a hero of our times– an icon to youth all over the world”. Her opponents call her “The Green Killer”, they gave her
“The Bullshit Award” for addressing poverty. Professor Vandana Shiva, Indian nuclear physicist, philosopher, genetic epidemiologist,
environmental activist, has fought for changes in the practice and paradigms of agriculture and food. Intellectual property rights, biodiversity,
biotechnology, bioethics, genetic engineering are among the fields where Professor Shiva has contributed intellectually and through activist
campaigns. She has assisted grass-roots organizations of the Green movement in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Ireland, Switzerland and Austria.
From her organic farm, at the foot of the Himalayas, to institutions of power all over the world Vandana Shiva does battle with the toughest
► 18H00
ANNUAL Cinéma Vérité Ceremony at the Léman theater- Grand Hotel Kempinski
film screening.
Concert of the International Menuhin Music Academy.
Promote gender equality and empower women
Gender equality, proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is at the heart of the MDG targets. To give
women an equal power of involvement in the decisions which influence their own lives, from family life to the highest
government instances, is to give them the key to their autonomy. Without them, neither hunger, nor poverty, nor disease
will ever be vanquished. |
Improve maternal health
Maternal mortality remains staggeringly high across much of the developing world. In 2005, it was estimated that more
than 500,000 women each year died during pregnancy, childbirth or in the six weeks after delivery: 1 woman every 6O!
99% per cent of these deaths occur in the developing regions. The risk of dying from treatable or preventable
complications of pregnancy and childbirth over the course of a Nigerian’s woman lifetime is 1 in 7, compared to 1 in 17,400 for a Swedish
woman. Every year over 1 million children become motherless hence more vulnerable. Motherless children are at greater risk of dying in
infancy. |
Preserve environment
The rate of deforestation, for agricultural purposes, has been fastest in some of the world’s most biologically diverse
regions and old growth forest ecosystems, causing the loss of biodiversity and generating 18 to 20% of the greenhouse
gas, currently contributing most significantly to climate change. Only 0.7 per cent of the world’s oceans – about 2 million
km² – were put under protection. 1 billion people still do not have access to safe drinking water, while 2.5 billion lack access to basic
sanitation services and more than 40% of the world’s population, live in river basins with some form of water scarcity. |
Develop a global partnership for development
Official development assistance continued to drop from an all-time high of $107.1 billion in 2005, to $103.7 billion in 2007,
it needs to double to about US$100 billion a year to achieve the MDGs. To accelerate their development and improve
their production and their commercial capacities, the developing countries need the elaboration of an open, rule-based, predictable, nondiscriminatory
trading and financial system, enhanced availability of new technologies, especially information and communications, and
access to affordable essential drugs.By forming partnerships with civil society, NGOs, the private sector and foundations and promoting regional and
global cooperation with public and private companies the least developed countries will achieve poverty reduction, good governance and
development – both nationally and internationally. |
Auditorium Arditi-Wilsdorf • 1 Avenue du Mail - 1205 Geneva
► 10H00
(The Inheritors) by Eugenio Polgovsky
Mexico / Documentary 2008 / 90 min, O.V. French subtitles
In the Mexican countryside children have to work from an early age. “The Inheritors” is a portrait of their lives and their daily struggle for survival.
From their ancestors they have inherited tools and techniques together with day-by-day hard labor. Generations pass but children remain
enslaved in a cycle of inherited poverty.
Objectif du millénaire 1 - Réduire l’extrême pauvreté et la faim.
► 11H30
by Ruby Yang
Documentary, China, 2007 / 39min O.V. French subtitles.
Oscar 2007 Best documentary Short Subject
A year in the life of children in the Province of Anhui, China, who have lost their parents to AIDS. Traditional obligations to family and village collide with terror of the disease.
In the presence of the film's director Ruby Yang.
► 12H00
Debate :
Ruby Yang, Director of the film. The Blood of Yingzhou District, co-founder of China Aids Media Project, Beijing,with the director Thomas Lennon, an HIV Awareness Program
Jo Butler, UNCTAD Deputy Director Division for Africa, least developed countries and special programmes, founder of Ethiopian Food Appeal
Dominique Praplan, FIRC Head, Health and Care Department
Professor Alexandre Vautravers, Webster University.
During the debate excerpts from The End of Poverty
by Philippe Diaz
USA / Documentary 2008 / 104min, O.V. French subtitles. |
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
1,4 billion people in developing regions are affected by extreme poverty. Today, we face a global economic crisis
unprecedented for this generation and an estimated 55 million to 90 million people have met those whose income is less
than 1$25 per day. The eradication of poverty depends on full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and
young people. |
Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
Ensuring adequate access to essential drugs is a critical component of the prevention and treatment of infectious
diseases, especially for neglected tropical diseases, which continue to affect 1 billion people among the world’s
poorest. Their crippling effects make these diseases perpetuators of poverty. Every day, about 7500 people are infected by the HIV and
5500 people die from AIDS, mostly due to lack of HIV prevention and treatment services; malaria kills over 1 million people annually, 80%
of whom are children under five in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2006, there were an estimated 1.7 million deaths due to tuberculosis and 14.4
million people infected with the disease. |